"It all began 50 years ago this weekend......as I remember it, school always started the day after Labor Day. And, the day after Labor Day, 1955, was the first day we all put aside our Junior High loyalties, and walked wide-eyed into the halls of AHS.  Of course, we all had new "school clothes", which for the girls meant SEVERAL petticoats (how DID we manage the crowded halls with those swishing petticoats??)  We tried to look oh-so-cool as we struggled to find our classrooms, find our lockers, find a FAMILIAR FACE!! 

Then we all settled into our first period class to listen to Mr. Norman welcome us to AHS and begin the traditional morning greetings.Little did we know the fun and friendships that the next 3 years would bring, and little did we know that 50 YEARS LATER we would be renewing many of those friendships again and remembering teachers and classmates, and all the fun and activities that made our days at AHS so special. I am so amazed .... of the wonderful and diverse things that  this class has accomplished.   We have contributed on so many levels, and touched so many lives.  Our teachers would have been proud!!   (and probably a bit surprised!!)

So here's a toast to all of the Class of 58......for those still with us, and those we've lost.....a truly special group of people who lived and laughed and learned together for 3 great years, and then went out into the world and made a difference.

Nancy Wood Hurt  September 4, 2005
Site Dedicated To It's Creator
The late Larry D Lupher, alias Violet Bass
Yama  Yama
Copyrighted: 2005, AHS Class of 1958
In Memory
AHS - Now
Site Design:  The late Larry Lupher (Violet Bass) 1940-2008